By johncalvin

And One More Test

This is me typing a bunch of stuff And this is me typing a bunch of stuff again type type type type type type type type type type type type type type type type type type type type type type type type type type type type type type type type type type type type type…

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By johncalvin

Test Port Number One

This post is part of a series called Test Series Bladda yadda bladda bladda bingBladda yadda bladda bladda bingBladda yadda bladda bladda bing Bladda yadda bladda bladda bingBladda yadda bladda bladda bingBladda yadda bladda bladda bingBladda yadda bladda bladda bingBladda yadda bladda bladda bingBladda yadda bladda bladda bingBladda yadda bladda bladda bingBladda yadda bladda bladda…

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By johncalvin

Two Days in Budapest

Aliquam porttitor pretium tortor sit amet finibus. Sed ut placerat sapien, sit amet mattis dui. Nullam ultrices lacus nibh, sit amet posuere turpis accumsan non. Nulla sagittis risus risus, at sollicitudin lectus tincidunt non. Morbi nisi sem, rhoncus vel dictum quis, venenatis in tellus. Donec sit amet dui erat. Suspendisse vitae justo vulputate, euismod ligula…

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By johncalvin

Weekend in Warsaw

Maecenas at consectetur risus. Vestibulum mattis hendrerit hendrerit. Maecenas suscipit, augue quis hendrerit ultrices, ipsum purus blandit justo, non volutpat nulla risus convallis quam. Vivamus ut lectus nec enim rutrum tempor. Sed dui orci, tincidunt nec pretium vel, pellentesque et ipsum. Highlights of Warsaw Nullam ut euismod metus. Pellentesque vel porttitor est. Suspendisse at odio…

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By johncalvin

Trip to Italy: Rome

This post is part of a series called Travel to Italy The Collouseum Vestibulum eu arcu orci. Mauris purus turpis, malesuada sed iaculis quis, rhoncus sed felis. Donec at ornare massa. Suspendisse ac lorem arcu. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nam tincidunt urna eu erat vehicula volutpat. Integer rhoncus metus id ligula hendrerit, sodales venenatis…

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By johncalvin

KML Support

This post is part of a series called KML Samples KML is a file format used to display geographic data in a mapping application, such as Google Maps for mobile. You can create KML files to pinpoint locations, add image overlays, and expose rich data in new ways. KML is an international standard maintained by…

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By johncalvin

Trip to Italy: Turin

This post is part of a series called Travel to Italy Praesent egestas consequat massa at mollis. Sed ut tempus mauris. Maecenas quis elit quis massa pharetra suscipit. Vestibulum fermentum, urna at luctus lobortis, urna metus bibendum erat, sed mollis nunc velit a turpis. Proin tempus lacus at purus viverra, vitae condimentum nunc facilisis. Aliquam…

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